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11 Traits that Make You a Good Mother

11 Traits that Make You a Good Mother

Many references make mothers feel like they are not managing their children well. Learn what makes you a good mom and work to create a loving environment.

Exercise After C-Section

Exercise After C-Section

When can I start to exercise after c-section? What exercises are recommended? Beside the answers to these questions, you can also find great tips on exercising after c-section.

Best Animated Movies for Kids

Best Animated Movies for Kids

Movies can prove to be a good source of education and entertainment for young children. The best animated movies listed in this article can teach a number of valuable lessons to your kids besides offering them plenty of fun.

Lower Back Cramp

Lower Back Cramp

A lower back cramp can be incredibly painful and interfere with your daily functioning. Because of this, it is important to understand the possible causes and treatments for this pain as well as how to prevent it.

HCG Trigger Shot

HCG Trigger Shot

HCG, or the pregnancy hormone, is very important for getting pregnant. Hcg trigger shot can improve chances of fertility. Learn how it's administered and what to expect.

Schedule for 5-6 Month Old Baby

Schedule for 5-6 Month Old Baby

It is healthy for both you and your baby to form a routine or schedule. Here are sample schedules for 5-6 month old baby, including feeding and sleeping tips.
