If you want to become more familiar with your menstrual cycle, especially to figure out when you might ovulate, checking your cervix can be the answer. Cervical position changes throughout the month. Understanding those changes can help you figure out when you are fertile. For example, a low, soft cervix means something different from a higher, harder cervix. Here’s how to figure it out.

How to Check My Cervical Position

Always wash your hands before checking your cervix. Try to find a comfortable position for yourself, either sitting on the toilet or standing near the bathtub with one leg on the edge. Slide your middle finger inside your vagina slowly and gently. The cervix is usually three to six inches inside the vagina. You might also notice some clear mucus on your fingers after you check it – this is entirely normal.


To get the best idea of where and how your cervix lies, check it once a day after your period has stopped. Check your cervix at the same time every day, and always empty your bladder first. Use the same position to check it each time, as changing position can affect the height of your cervix.

What Does Low Soft Closed Cervix Mean

If you find your cervix low and soft, it could mean many different things. The most common explanation is that you are pregnant. A cervix that is softening, otherwise known as “ripening”, tends to happenafter a successful ovulation. You might also be at the end of your ovulation cycle.

During ovulation, a low soft cervix is very common. In addition, you might notice more vaginal discharge at that point, which will help the sperm move toward the egg. Also, the cervix will open just slightly. If you feel your cervix low and soft, it means you might be ready to get pregnant, while high and hard means you are at the start of ovulation, and not yet ready to release the egg.

However, checking your cervix is very important, as each woman is different. Some women can tell when they have a low soft closed cervix that they are definitely pregnant. For others, the cervix doesn’t do that at all. You may need several months to test out yourself.

The table below shows the cervical positions for many women and what they mean. Use this as a rough guide until you figure out your own cervical position schedule throughout your cycle. 

Position Firmness Openness Meaning
Low Firm Slightly open During menstrual bleeding
Low Hard Closed Right after your period ends
High Soft Closed At the beginning of ovulation
High Very Soft Open During the height of ovulation
Low Firm Closed Right after ovulation
High Soft Closed When pregnancy has occurred

Remember, if you are trying to become pregnant and you see no results after several months, even with using the cervical position check, you might want to speak with a doctor.

Other Ways to Tell Your Ovulation

When you are trying to get pregnant, there is much more than a low soft closed cervix position to help you determine ovulation. Be aware that your fertility takes many forms. Track your menstrual cycle to find the most fertile days. Check your cervical mucus for thickness. Monitor your hormones with at-home kits. Tracking your basal body temperature to find the days when hormones make it go up and down. Look for physical symptoms, such as mood swings and breast changes which indicate that ovulation is on the way. Many women choose to use all these methods together to ensure pregnancy. 

Click here to learn more about ovulation.