When a couple decides to have a baby, it’s important to do things right so that it happens soon and saves them nerves and negative emotions. The key factor is to have sex at the right time and determine when is the best time to get pregnant, which is directly linked to a woman’s menstrual cycle. The conception itself happens during ovulation, which usually comes around the 14th day of the menstrual cycle. So, every woman who wants to conceive should follow her menstrual calendar strictly.

When Is the Best Time to Get Pregnant?

To increase the chances for conceiving, the couple must do sex more often during the period when the woman is ovulating. Ovulation is the process of releasing the egg, ready to be fertilized, from the ovaries. There is a common belief that ovulation happens in the middle of the menstrual cycle, which is just partly true. Ovulation occurs 14 days before woman’s next cycle. The regular cycle repeats every 28 days, but with some women, it’s longer-about 35 days. Then ovulation should be around day 21.

Another important question is how a woman would know when she is ovulating. Some ladies just feel it in their body-their breasts become more sensitive or there is slight discomfort in their abdomen. With others who do not experience physical changes, ovulation tests will be their great choice which they can buy from the pharmacy, most of which are really reliable.

What Will Affect My Chances of Getting Pregnant?

1. Age

Age is a decisive factor for a woman to get pregnant. Research shows that a healthy 30-year-old woman has 20 percent chance to get pregnant, but a healthy 40-year-old woman has only 5 percent chance to do that. Ability to conceive decreases significantly after the age of 35. Man’s capability to become a father also decreases with age, although there isn’t a strict limit. As years go by, sperm count gets lower as does his sexual ability. However, men can boost their sexual ability by reducing alcohol and tobacco, maintaining proper weight and keeping special diet rich in zinc, selenium and vitamin E. Meat, seafood, eggs, whole grains and cereals are high in these nutritional elements.

2. Lifestyle

The way you live significantly affects you ability to conceive. Research tests have proved that smoking and alcohol make your eggs prematurely, decrease fertility and can potentially harm the fetus. Some medicines, even the mild ones, can impair conception. Also beware of vaginal lubricants-they can reduce fertility as well. You’d better consult your doctor before you use them. Believe it or not, excessive physical activity can also impede conception especially if you are underweight.

3. Intercourse Frequency

The principle is persistence always pays entirely for conception. Frequency of sexual acts is very important if you want to have a baby. If you make sex every other day, there will always be some sperm in your fallopian tube waiting to fertilize each egg that pops up. If the ovulation comes regularly, the conception is due to happen sooner or later. The rarer the sex is, the rarer the chances are to have a baby.

4. Mental State

Don't forget every act should be a pleasure, positive emotional experience. Stress, overwork, frustration, obesity or drastic underweight can seriously reduce your chances of getting pregnant. It’s true that in these hard times we all struggle to survive, often sacrificing our health and private life to get a career. But if we really want to have offspring, we should aspire to get it, no matter what we have to sacrifice.

How to Get Pregnant Faster

1. Understand You Ovulation

In terms of the best time to get pregnant, the first and most important thing for you is to find out when your ovulation is. You should carefully keep track of your menstrual cycle. A good idea is to have a calendar and mark the 1st day menstruation every month. No matter if you cycle is 28 or 35 days long, if it is regular, you can easily calculate 14 days until the next menstruation. If it is irregular, you’d better consult your gynecologist what to do.

2. Have Sex During the Most Fertile Days

As you know when your most fertile days are, you should start doing sex regularly a few days before ovulation. The thing is men’s sperm can stay alive in your body for 5-6 days, whereas the egg can survive for only a day. It’s okay to start sex the very day of ovulation, but then your partner must have ejaculated at least once the days before. Otherwise dead sperm may accumulate and your efforts may be wasted that month.

3. Lying Flat After Sex

There is a common belief that the woman should lay flat for at least 15 minutes after sex so that she ensures spermatozoa stay in the body and make their way to the egg. Now there is a scientific proof of that. An experiment carried out in Amsterdam showed that women that lay still for 15 minutes after being artificially inseminated had a 50 percent greater chance to get pregnant than the ones that walked out right after the procedure.

4. Enjoying It Can Help

If you are determined to get pregnant immediately, be careful. Do not turn this into a fixed idea because it involves a lot of strain and can often lead to stress. And when you are stressed out the gland in the brains which is responsible for ovulation doesn’t function properly. As a result, ovulation may be delayed or not happen at all. Therefore, the secret is to do sex for pleasure, even if you pursue a certain goal.

5. Help Your Partner Get Ready

Remember that conception is a joint venture-your partner has a major role, too. Here are some tips to keep him at greatest form and have healthy sperm when the crucial days come. First, avoid alcohol, smoking and recreational drugs because they reduce testosterone levels and sperm counts. Diet is also important, so he should consume food rich in zinc, folic acid, calcium and vitamins C and D. He should also avoid saunas, hot tubs because high temperature kills sperm.

6. Get Yourself Ready

Becoming a mother involves not only psychological but a physical preparation as well. So you must tune your body for that role. First of all, you should know your physical condition is fit to fulfill your dream, so you must see your gynecologist to find out what your chances are. If there are any problems, he/she should consult you. Apart from that, there are other ways you can help yourself getting pregnant. It’ll be good if you cut back on alcohol, recreational drugs, smoking and caffeine. 

How Can I Increase My Chances of Getting Pregnant?

When you want to have a baby, there are more things to do than just to quit using birth control. Speed things up with some conception tricks, and get the lowdown on tracking ovulation and timing sex for pregnancy. Plus, learn more about how to ease your body into baby-making shape with nutrition methods, health changes, and other therapies.

In this video, you will learn 10 tested tips to boost your odds of having a baby: