image001Everyone loves to see healthy, white teeth. That’s why some parents might get very concerned when their child’s teeth begin to turn yellow. There are many reasons why this can happen, and it’s actually pretty common. This discoloration is either internal or external, and there are many treatments available for each situation.

It is important to remember that a child’s teeth can become stained just as easily as an adult’s can. Some of the most common reasons for external discoloration include something your child has eaten or drunk. Internal causes of discoloration might be trauma, fluorosis, or dentin defects. In most cases, treatment for either internal or external causes can be handled at the dentist’s office or at home.

What Causes My Child’s Yellow Teeth?

It can be rather distressing to look at your child one day and realize, “My child’s teeth are yellow!” Here are some of the most common reasons for your child's yellow teeth.




If a child ingests too much fluoride during the growing years, this irreversible condition can develop. The fluoride damages the cells that form enamel, and eventually the teeth turn a dingy yellow.


This antibiotic can make patches, ribbons or streaks of yellow on the teeth, thanks to destroying certain cells when a child takes it. However, most doctors try not to prescribe this antibiotic to young children.

Tooth trauma

When only one tooth turns yellow or brown, it usually means that it has been damaged by some sort of trauma. The damage might be to the tooth itself, or to the nerve inside. This needs immediate attention from a dentist.

Food and drink

Certain foods have staining properties, and a young child’s teeth are especially susceptible to this. Things like soda, soy sauce and fruit drinks can cause the discoloration. The more a child eats or drinks things like this, the worse the discoloration can be. You can make it less noticeable by asking your child to rinse their mouth with water after they have something that might stain their teeth.

Poor dental hygiene

A child must brush and floss twice a day to cut down on the chances of yellow teeth. Letting plaque build up on teeth can lead to the yellow tinge.

Need more information on what causes yellow teeth and how to prevent it? Check out the video below:

How Can I Get My Child’s Teeth White?

1. See a Dentist First

Want to get your child’s teeth white? Start by going to the dentist. All children should see a dentist by the age of one. If you have serious concerns, start by telling the dentist the problem: “My child’s teeth are yellow”. The dentist will definitely have some solutions in mind.

2. Focus on Home Care

Home care is also very important. Brush your child’s teeth twice a day with a pea-sized amount of toothpaste that contains fluoride. You should also teach your child how to floss properly. They don’t need to have a full mouth of teeth to learn this! As soon as they have two teeth that can touch, it’s time to teach them how to use floss.

3. Have a Professional Cleaning

But keep in mind that no matter how much your child brushes, they still need to have a professional cleaning to remove tartar and plaque buildup. These buildups can lead to yellow teeth no matter how good your child’s oral hygiene is.

4. Use Whitening Strips

Look into whitening strips for your child’s teeth, or discuss having the procedure done at the dentist’s office. This is usually harmless, but you will want to check with your dentist to be sure before you buy something that is too harsh for your child to use. Sometimes treatment will be covered by your dental insurance.

Teeth Whitening and Bleaching Products—Are They Safe for Children?

If your child still has baby teeth, there is really no point in bleaching them, as they will soon fall out anyway. But if your child already has permanent teeth, are whitening and bleaching agents safe for use? In most cases, young children should not use over-the-counter whitening products, as the amount of peroxide in them could do more harm than good. Once the enamel is damaged, that means yellow teeth forever, because the enamel will not grow back! To be absolutely sure of your whitening agents, talk to your dentist.

Dental Care for Children

1. Keep Good Oral Hygiene

The best way to avoid any problems with yellow teeth is prevention. Good oral hygiene is absolutely essential to avoid the yellow staining of your child’s teeth. Make sure your child brushes and flosses twice a day, and rinses their mouth out with water after they have sugary or strongly colored foods, such as soy sauce or tea. When your child brushes, remember to use a toothbrush with soft bristles, and don’t forget to brush the gums and tongue, too.

2. Children Sleeping Without a Bottle

If your child is still using a bottle, don’t let them fall asleep with it, and don’t let them use the bottle after they have been weaned to a cup.

3. No Smoking Around

Don’t let anyone smoke around your baby, as this can contribute to the problem.

4. Put Sugar Away

Don’t put anything sugary on a baby’s pacifier.

5. Be Careful with Fluoride

Make sure that your child gets enough fluoride, but not too much! In many places, fluoride is added to the drinking water, and you can get plenty of it through the toothpaste, too–that’s really all your child needs. Some experts recommend using a small amount of fluoridated toothpaste and not rinsing it out after your child has brushed. The fluoride can continue to work. However, if your child doesn’t like this, you can buy an over-the-counter fluoride rinse that gives the same advantages.

To learn the best techniques for your child’s tooth brushing, check out this video below: